Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act
Consumer Maintenance Alert
The federal Government in the Magnuson-Moss and the Beverly Song Warranty Act made it a federal offense for an automobile manufacturer or dealer to force consumers to have their vehicles maintained only through their dealerships in order to maintain your vehicle’s warranty unless they supply ALL parts and labor at NO Charge to the consumer.
Therefore consumers are free to have all factory required maintenance performed at the repair center of their choice as long as all aspects of the required maintenance as listed in the owner's manual is performed and records are kept for review.
Using an Independent Auto Repair Shop Does NOT Void Your Warranty!
You can have your regular maintenance on your vehicle performed anywhere as long as you have records. At Antana's Shop in Berkley, IL, we can supply you with all records of any work performed at our shop at anytime.
We can handle all of your maintenance and repair needs from day one. If we see a warranty concern we will send you to the dealer to have it performed under warranty. We will also arm you with information to help you get it done hassle free and hopefully without a run around. If you have any questions, give us a call.
See Also: